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Boredom At Work

Posted 15th September 2013 at 20:45 by stevie_m
Updated 15th September 2013 at 20:48 by stevie_m

Been a while since I wrote a blog about this piece of French tin that I cannot let go.

Got it through the dreaded MOT without too much effort but for the first time it has needed some help with a "welder" and I will that term loosely. So much that if I have the spare time and a spare sill I will fix the part that they were supposed to fix. Unfortunate as it is the car isn't on the road and I don't see it being back on the road this year.

Slowly going about the interior and parts of the engine bay.

The interior as stated in previous...
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Updated Idea's

Posted 4th November 2012 at 04:30 by stevie_m
Updated 8th September 2013 at 00:50 by stevie_m

I was back in the UK in October to see my little Saxo in a sorry state, front tyre has a slow puncture and the battery has went flat. Paint was looking a little dull too.

I know I have some minor electric problems which I think are due to fuses blowing, if not a couple of sensors are well and truely goosed. Hand Brake sensor isn't working, Door sensor on the driver side hasn't worked since November.

Right back to business...

Recently bought the 106 Leathers which I'm more than happy about and will fit them when I get home in December, going to sort...
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Posted 11th September 2012 at 12:48 by stevie_m
Updated 4th November 2012 at 06:22 by stevie_m

I've been stuck out in Canada now for the best part of 7 months now and now have rough idea on what I want to do with this car.

First off the wheels are gettin changed from the C2 VTS to either Porsche Teledials or D90's. Everytime I look at Schmidt TH Lines or BBS RS I think about why not go for them but I feel those have been over done but they do look fantastic.

I really need to sort out the interior and a very good / imaculate set of 106 leathers, I understand that they are hard to find, I have a price in mind what I want to spend on them and refuse to pay over...
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Two Tone Terror

Posted 5th April 2010 at 09:54 by stevie_m
Updated 5th April 2010 at 09:57 by stevie_m

This blog is about my Terror, a X-reg Two Tone VTR.

I'm not going to sugar coat it and will tell all about my problems that i've had so far.

When I bought the car back in Feburary I knew it needed a little work but I didn't know to what extent.

.Radiator ... I knew it was on the way out (Looked like a stab victim)
.Head Gasket ... Did the damage myself I think driving home with the bad Radiator
.Wheels ... This problem did arise until I tried to put on some newly re-furbed VTS alloys and noticed that the wheel bolts were common industrial...
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