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Exhaust is underway!

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Posted 28th December 2012 at 12:31 by Ross

Well, my trusty and much loved 2.5" full system has had to make way for a 3" full system as the 2.5" was causing too much back pressure at over 400bhp...

So - all the parts have arrived, and it should be on the car and fitted before the new year (yes, 3 days time!). Pics to follow.

Once that's in, the rest of the engine pipework fabrication can begin. This year I'm having more solid pipework than last year which used a lot of silicone pipework. The upside is better looks and better heat protection (I can wrap the solid pipes in gold reflection foil) - the downside is of course once you've decided on the routing it can't be changed.

Lots happening still!
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  1. Old Comment
    can i ask whats the idea with gold foil wrap?
    Posted 21st February 2013 at 13:57 by craigbarley craigbarley is offline
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