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saxo vtr mk1 BREAKING

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Posted 25th March 2012 at 23:25 by vtr-xox

Mk1 Saxo vtr BREAKING
piper 3half inch back box inward rolled £80
Seats including door card good condition £85
Stealth shelf £25
Rear lights £15 each
front lights £15 each
Front lowering springs £45 pair
(red) unsure what make roughly 50mm
Front and back bumper( £35 each )
wings £10 each
Mk1 manifold £20
98 plate grill £10
fogs £5 each
clocks £15
standard air box £10
jbl 6x9 £20 pair
head unit make (denver) usb, memory card slot
theres lots more the whole car is breaking
wheels,axle, rocker not for sale!!
the car is a mouve ( red ) colour

If interested please text or ring 07771332015
These parts are pick up only
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