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6 Months on from my Accident.

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Posted 12th September 2008 at 16:12 by Andi9386
Updated 1st October 2008 at 22:36 by Andi9386

Well its 6 months to this date since I had my Accident.

I have had physio and still go twice a week to the Gym set up by the Physio Department at the Hospital (Crosshouse), where I have an excreise programe.

15 Minutes on a Spinner Bike
10 Minutes on the Treadmill
80 Stepups with two 8KG Weights
80 Calf Raisers
Knee Extensions (Specialist Elastic Band tied to a Bed)
Wobble Board
Rocker Board
Single Leg Stands

Now this all lasts about 1hr.

When I next have to go in (Tuesday 16th) their going to take it as the last Examination period, and I go when I want.

And next Sunday (21/09/08) I've got an old friend who I haven't seen since I was in Hospital in England coming up for a week.

Still don't have a Job which is doing my head in, just sitting around at home all day doing nothing.

As you will see from my Profile I no longer have a Saxo that unfortunately got written off in an accident on the 11th of July this year

How the car looked before the Accident.

The Damage done by a Renault Megane CC

Then for nearly a week I had no car.

Then this arrived from Helphire (Subsidery Company of my Insurance)

Then on the 22 of August I picked up my new car.

I've had it for about 3 weeks and its been back to the Garage where I got it from twice in 2 weeks with electrical problems.

Got the car back yesterday after it was at the Garage for 3 days, and I've got to have my windscreen replaced, after noticing last night that it was caracked in 3 Places

So apart from all that I'm ok.
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  1. Old Comment
    barrett's Avatar
    So is it the C4 that you got or the Blue Fiat??

    Was it yourself who broke their Ankle falling off a wall?
    Good to hear the physio etc is going well.

    Sort the photos out.
    Posted 27th September 2008 at 15:30 by barrett barrett is offline
    Updated 1st October 2008 at 22:29 by Andi9386
  2. Old Comment
    Andi9386's Avatar
    Yes I am the one who fell off a wall and dislocated their Ankle.

    I have sorted the photos out thank you for pointing it out to me Barret.

    So you can see what car I bought.

    I only used the picture from the Scottish Tuning show as that was the only picture of my car I had at the time.
    Posted 1st October 2008 at 22:39 by Andi9386 Andi9386 is offline
  3. Old Comment
    barrett's Avatar
    how is the new car?

    looks a little like post man pats van from the photo! apart from the fact its blue!
    Posted 5th October 2008 at 18:15 by barrett barrett is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Andi9386's Avatar
    LOL Barret, yeah the car's going good. Taken it back to the Garage 3 times with problems, first time they sorted a problem otu then another problem occurred, they couldn't find the fault, 3rd time went back still with the Electrical Problem, they found the fault and sorted it out, had to have a new windscreen fitted as the one RAC put on after I bought the car, had a stress crack in it.

    So all in all apart from the problems I've had its going fine thanks for asking.
    Posted 7th October 2008 at 18:56 by Andi9386 Andi9386 is offline

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