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Posted 19th November 2008 at 23:22 by Simo

Over the last couple of weeks/months I've visited quite a few different chemical plants throughout Europe and the US. Whilst most of what I've seen has been pretty 'normal' for me, I thought I'd share a few interesting photos of some glass furnaces, as you dont get to see this type of stuff every day

I won't give too many details away, but these furnaces produce glass by melting sand and ash together at very high temperatures! The output from the furnace is a hot, sticky, molten viscous fluid glass, which very quickly solidifies (in a matter of seconds!)

I could stand and watch these things all day long - they are pretty fascinating (is that sad!? lol) I always get that strange feeling about wanting to dip my finger in the molten glass too... like the feeling of wanting to jump off a high-rise building... or is that just me?

The heat generated by these long gooey glass chains certainly helped to clear up my cold today! I may have to go back for another warming tomorrow!
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Posted in Simo' Says...
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  1. Old Comment
    Adam_Q's Avatar
    I've found these to be fascinating too, but not enough to make a blog

    Some good photo's there btw. So why have you been visiting these? I take it this is your other life?
    Posted 20th November 2008 at 06:41 by Adam_Q Adam_Q is offline
  2. Old Comment
    barrett's Avatar
    cool! love stuff like this!

    can you bring me back a chunk of dutch glass please!!!!! (i'm being serious)
    Posted 20th November 2008 at 08:58 by barrett barrett is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Glass clogs Barrett

    Interesting anyways, Simo' on Tour aye
    Posted 20th November 2008 at 10:47 by alex19 alex19 is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Simo's Avatar
    Ive got you a chunk of glass Mikey
    Posted 25th November 2008 at 23:51 by Simo Simo is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Simo's Avatar
    I've still got this lump of glass for you Mike... maybe we can do an exchange when you let me have my 110v transformer back
    Posted 6th May 2009 at 23:32 by Simo Simo is offline
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