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Go Back   Saxperience - Citroen Saxo Forum > Blogs > sexysaxo_dan

  1. Old Comment

    Couple of pictures

    It's missing a 4-2-1 lol
    Posted 9th January 2015 at 06:57 by DaPPeR DaPPeR is offline
  2. Old Comment

    Mango Saxo Furio

    Hiya mate I'm in the same boat as you same car 1.4 8V furio had mine same amount time as yours I noticed you wante to get rid of the badges and smooth it, can do it your self I have well I've done the citeron badge and left the Saxo on it does take time but worth it
    Posted 26th November 2014 at 22:30 by Genes21 Genes21 is offline

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