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Santa Dash

Posted 8th December 2008 at 12:24 by barrett

Well, missed the xmas bash this weekend for several reasons, one being that I have been booked up to do the Liverpool Santa Dash. Its an annual 5k run, and a world record attempt also. Unfortunatley the record was not broken this year.

Hope everyone enjoyed the Xmas meet! Gutted i couldnt make it, but will be there next year!

Some photos from facebook.

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Posted 5th September 2008 at 20:24 by barrett

Started a new placement at Chester Hospital on Monday working for the Plastic Surgery team. It has been pretty interesting and I have been learning alot and developing my surgical skills.

Today was spent assisting in minor surgery, doing the simple tasks such as trimming the stich's and holding things out the way etc. Not the most exciting thing ever but you have to work up the ranks with these things.

Anyway... on the way home this evening it was chucking it down, with rain, so the traffic was only moving at about 60mph, I was in the slow lane doing about 50mph...
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Homemade Hobnobs

Posted 26th August 2008 at 23:33 by barrett

Well, went out for a swim this evening, to try and make myself feel better about over indulging whilst away on holiday...

Got back to hte flat and harriet had baked some awsome homemade hob nobs. They rock... chomp chomp chomp

Photos in the morning, bed now!

8oz self raising flour
8oz sugar
8oz porridge oats
8oz margarine
1tbsp golden syrup
1tbsp hot water
1/2 tsp bic soda

mix flour, oats and sugar
melt marg, syrup and water in a pan then stir in bic soda and add to dry...
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Toast in the post?

Posted 10th July 2008 at 18:35 by barrett
Updated 10th July 2008 at 18:38 by barrett

Well, moved into a new flat on the 27th June.

I passed the address onto a friend of mine who needed to post something back to me. Moved in to find this on the door mat!

Think he may have borrowed the idea from, or

Want to send something random in the post? PM me and I will give you my address, post is good esp when its random!


P.S. Yes...
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Testing the blog out... octopus style

Posted 25th March 2008 at 10:31 by barrett
Updated 25th March 2008 at 14:02 by barrett

Well like most people i have thought i will post a blog entry to test it out.... the problem being now i'm here i have no jokes or anything particually funny to crack out.

Adsayer posted a link to his thread on the forum as he is an ASW e-cleb!!!

Few random facts:

Octopus have 3 hearts, one for the vital organs, the other two for the tentacles.

Octopus when under attach can shed a tentacle and realease dye into the water so that the attacking creature goes after the flalling limb instead of them.

Octopus blood is copper...
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