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Follow Saxperience on Twitter - @Saxperience

Posted 6th May 2009 at 23:29 by Simo
Twitter seems to be getting a lot of press lately, so a couple of weeks ago, I thought I'd check it out with a personal account, with the view of setting up a Saxperience Twitter account if it looked worthwhile.

Whilst many people say Twitter is simply the latest fad in the social networking world, I think its different. Twitter is more convenient, straight to the point, less intrusive and can be used whilst on the move.

Twitter asks one question, "What are you doing?" Answers must be under 140 characters in length and can be sent via mobile texting, instant
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Featured blog entry from Andi9386
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1 month on from my Accident.

Posted 19th May 2008 at 19:45 by Andi9386
Well its been just over a month since I had my accident.

I'm now fuly out of plaster (Thank God!) and able to walk around with the aid of Crutches, and I have to wear a compression Bandage to help with the swelling.

I start Physio this Friday coming (23/05/08) and thats going to be at the hospital near me (Crosshouse Hopital) so thats some good news.

Bad news is last Wednesday (14/05/2008) I had an appoitment at my local Job Centre where I was basically told that the Hospital shouldn't have given me the OK to start looking for work because I...
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