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I intend to use my blog to keep you informed of things happening with my car(s) and anything in life I find interesting, unusual or worthy of sharing! Please check back regularly to see what's been happening in the world of Simo

Time for bigger stoppers!

Posted 31st January 2010 at 22:28 by Simo (Simo' Says...)

June 2006... Time for bigger stoppers!

I had great fun in the car whilst out on track, but the brakes having been upgraded to Peugeot 306 GTi-6 discs, were still not upto the job! Very quickly whilst blatting around the track at speed, brake fade would creep in, meaning that I'd have to ease off the go-pedal!

After a quick chat to Garreth at G.S Motorsport, I ordered some stoppers that shouldn't suffer brake fade... in fact I was more worried about the car over-braking! After waiting for a week or two my new brakes arrived... a pair of Hi-Spec 325mm 2-piece discs...
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