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I intend to use my blog to keep you informed of things happening with my car(s) and anything in life I find interesting, unusual or worthy of sharing! Please check back regularly to see what's been happening in the world of Simo

Bruntinghtorpe & shafted, yet again!

Posted 31st January 2010 at 22:19 by Simo (Simo' Says...)

May 2006... Shafted, yet again!

Myself and a group of Saxperience members arrived at Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground for our 3 hour track action. The session was being run as an open pit session, so we could go on and off the track as many times as we liked during the 3 hours.

Every time I went out on track I took a different passenger with me... as everyone was keen to have a ride in the car! The weather had been a bit hit and miss all day, sometimes the sun would be out and other times it would be raining.

The last session of the day was just after...
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