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Saxperience - Citroen Saxo Forum Rules

Saxperience Community Rules

The Saxperience Community continues to grow rapidly. Whilst trying to maintain a balance between right and wrong and enable all community members to enjoy their experiences whilst interacting within these discussion forums a number of rules and guidelines must be put in place to help things to run smoothly. Please feel free to contact a member of staff if you have any questions or queries.

ALL Saxperience members should abide by these rules / guidelines. Failure to do so may result in a warning being received, infraction points being allocated or your user account may be temporarily or permanently banned.

General Rules

• Post in the correct forum.

We have a large number of forums, enabling specific questions to be asked and answered efficiently. Please post in the correct forum as this should enable you to receive the most accurate responses. If a topic is posted in the wrong forum it may be moved to the most appropriate forum by a moderator.

Generally, expiring re-direct links will be used by staff for threads, which are moved. However if you do not know the whereabouts of a thread you have posted, please look in the most suitable forum. Please do not post a new thread asking ‘where has my thread gone!?’ If you really, really can't locate your thread, browse to your user profile page and click the statistics tab, then click 'find all posts by user'. If you still can't find your thread, it has been deleted by a staff member.

• Search before you ask.

Questions have been asked and answered within the forums many times. If you perform a search before asking a question, which may have been asked dozens of times previously, you may find the information you need, more quickly. Members are less likely to provide fresh answers to questions that get asked ‘all of the time’.

• Do NOT SPAM the forum.

Please do not post random letters/words/phrases or pointless replies to forum topics with the intention of 'boosting your post count'. If you don’t have anything constructive to add, ask yourself whether you should post at all. Posting images in place of text ‘for a laugh’ is also considered as spam, if done so repeatedly.

• Do NOT use text-talk.

Please refrain from using text talk (e.g. cu l8r ). Saxperience has a very large user base, with members frequently visiting the community from many parts of the world. Text-talk is difficult for many British members to read and proves to be near impossible for our foreign members to translate. Our foreign members take the time to use their best English and therefore so should you! Whilst the use of net-accepted TLA’s is permissible (e.g. LOL), please do not abuse these.

• Do NOT be abusive to other Saxperience members.

Being abusive to other members of the forum will not be tolerated. “It’s the Internet, get over it” does not wash. Do NOT defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, discriminate or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of other Saxperience members.

• Do NOT contribute Offensive material to the forum(s).

Do not post offensive images/jokes/hyperlinks/content to the forum. Saxperience is a friendly, family-forum open to viewing by all. Content / hyperlinks which are sexual in nature are not allowed.

• Do NOT promote illegal downloading/sharing of material.

Copyright theft is illegal. Do not make or contribute to threads discussing illegal gathering of files/music/films/games, etc. Saxperience will not be held liable for this behaviour and all posts discussing this kind of behaviour will be deleted. Please refer to [url][/url] for further information.

• Advertising / Trolling.

Advertising, spamming members and trolling is not permitted. Please do not attempt to spam or advertise to any Saxperience member, be this via the forums, private messages, blog posts, picture comments, visitor messages, etc.

• Post / Thread Bumping.

If your post / thread has not received a response, please wait at least 18 hours before ‘bumping’ this back to the top of the forums. If you do not receive the responses you need, you should consider making your thread title more applicable to the topic you are discussing and ensure your post is made within the correct forum.

• Banning Users.

Access to the Saxperience discussion forums is a privilege and not a right. As such, the Saxperience staff reserve the right to temporarily or permanently ban any user account, which is deemed to have wilfully violated the Saxperience rules / guidelines. This applies to ALL users.

• Multiple User Accounts.

The Saxperience terms of use permit each member to have one user account. If you register multiple user accounts (for any reason), but particularly if one of your user accounts has been banned, expect ALL accounts to be banned and your access to the Saxperience server to be restricted. In special circumstances, multiple user accounts may be permitted (for affiliates), but only when pre-approved by Saxperience admin.

• Advertising.

Please do not post threads or send privates messages, etc to members so that you can attempt to advertise or solicit products, services, schemes, etc (on behalf of yourself or other groups / organisations). Please also refrain from blatant advertising within user signatures.

• Signature Links.

You may link to a commercial product or service via a signature text link, provided that the link does not include prices, product names or specific services offered. Links within signatures must not violate any Saxperience rules or guidelines and must not link to third party sites, which contain illegal or sexually orientated content.

• Signature Images / Text.

Certain restrictions have been put in place on the use of signature formatting. The use of signature images is permitted, as long as the image used within the signature is no larger than 468 x 60 pixels. The Saxperience staff reserve the right to remove without notice, any signature image or text-based content, which is deemed inappropriate.

• Avatars.

The display of an avatar image is a privilege and not a right. Please refrain from using avatar image, which do not meet the guidelines of this community. Inappropriate images (including abusive, threatening or sexually explicit images) may be removed without notice. Repeat offenders may find their privilege to use avatars, revoked.

• Staff Decision is Final.

The Saxperience staff reserve the right to remove any offensive posts, which are contributed, without notice. It is good practice for moderators to communicate reasons why posts have been deleted or threads closed, however this is not always possible, right away. Likewise, Saxperience staff do not need to justify reasons for certain members being banned. Usually the reasons are quite evident. Posting threads asking ‘where/why’ should be avoided and may be ignored or removed.

Whilst these rules attempt to provide guidelines for most common situations, it is impossible to pre-empt all possible situations. The Saxperience staff therefore reserve the right to take what ever action is deemed necessary to ensure the community is not abused or disrupted willingly.

Specific Rules

• Groups, Organisations or Companies Wishing to Trade.

Use of the Saxperience For Sale or Wanted forums by groups, organisations or companies for the sole purpose of monetary gain is not permitted. The For Sale and Wanted forums are to be used by individuals offering products of their own, or requesting products for their own use. Private trading by individuals is permitted.

Using the For Sale or Wanted forums as a means of casual trading is not permitted and users found to be doing this (on behalf of groups, organisations or companies) may have their user accounts banned or their user permissions restricted.

The only permitted form of non-private advertising for monetary gain is via the Saxperience Affiliate Scheme. For further details, please see the link within the forum, titled Advertise With Saxperience".

• Use of For Sale and Wanted Forums.

Read and Write access to the For Sale and Wanted forums has been restricted. Prior to the restrictions being put in place, a large number of members allowed themselves to be conned, resulting in the loss of products and/or money.

In an attempt to help protect Saxperience members from bogus traders, access to these forums was restricted. Although many members question why these restrictions are in place and request they be lifted, time has shown that many members are too gullible to protect themselves. These restrictions will remain in place. (currently, you are required to be registered for 30 days and have contributed 100 posts to the community, before access is granted).

Saxperience does not take any responsibility for any items advertised for sale, or wanted and subsequently purchased or sold via the For Sale or Wanted forums. Any agreement / deal, which you enter into with a third party, you do so entirely at your own risk.

If you advertise an item for sale, ensure your description and thread title is accurate. Include a photo where possible. Please ensure you include a requested price for the item and state ONO (or nearest offer) if you are willing to accept offers in the region, which you requested. If you do not state a target price for your items, your thread/post may be deleted without notice.

Please do not attempt to sell items on behalf of a friend or relative. The restrictions put in place to be able to use the For Sale and Wanted forums are to assist in protecting members. If you advertise items on behalf of somebody else, you are bi-passing these restrictions. If you are observed doing this, your thread/post may be deleted without notice.

As Saxperience takes no responsibility for deals you choose to enter in with other third parties, Saxperience will not mediate third party disputes if something goes wrong during your ‘deal’. You will need to agree the terms of your transaction with the third party before you agree to the deal and communicate directly with the third party to resolve any issues that may arise.

Spamming within the For Sale or Wanted forums will not be tolerated. This includes posts such as ‘nice item, good luck with the sale’ or ‘that’s too expensive’, or ‘nice car’, etc.

Please do not question a seller’s price. If you feel the price is too high and would like to make an offer at a lower price, then state your offer to the seller politely.

Notes for the Seller

When advertising an item for sale, you should state the following items clearly within your for sale thread: -

  • - Describe the item you are selling within the thread title.
  • - State a preferred selling price and suggest offer around a certain price if you are willing to accept nearest offers.
  • - Include an accurate description of the item(s) for sale, including any relevant information, especially defects.
  • - Include information about the condition of the item, which is for sale.
  • - Attach photos of YOUR item(s) for sale, to support your cause.
  • - Include details of how a potential buyer can get in contact with you to discuss in further detail, ie, email address, instant messenger ID. Mobile phone numbers are an ideal way of providing fast communication and confidence in a seller, however we recommend you exchange phone numbers via private message only.
  • - Include information regarding expected postage & packaging costs, or clearly state if you are only willing to accept pick-up only.
  • - Do not include links to third party websites in your for sale thread, eg Ebay, Auto-trader, or other car clubs, etc. Members are more than capable of searching these websites themselves, should they choose to do so.
  • - Do not advertise guns or other dangerous goods for sale. As of Oct 1st 2007 it has become illegal to sell replica firearms, manufacture firearms or import them. This is part of the new VCR (violent crimes record) bill.
  • - It is strongly recommended that the seller protects themselves as much as possible. When posting items to your buyer, choose a recorded or signed-for delivery option. This provides evidence that you have posted the item, which can then be traced. This option also gives your buyer more confidence to deal with you.
  • - It is recommended that you insure your items with the postal service of courier, in case your item is lost or damaged in transit. This really can happen!

Notes for the Buyer

It is completely your own decision to purchase an item from someone and you do so entirely at your own risk. Make sure you know what you are buying and agree the terms of the transaction before exchanging monies. Bare the following in mind: -

There are many methods of making a payment (cash, cheque, postal order, bank transfer, Paypal, escarow, etc). Please choose a payment method that both you and the seller are happy to use. Some payments options are more secure than others so make sure you do your homework before parting with your money!

Before exchanging monies, agree with the seller how the item is going to be received. Sending items via recorded or signed-for delivery is obviously more secure than standard delivery. Request proof of postage from the seller, or a tracking reference number, if applicable.

If you choose to collect the item(s) in person, you may wish to ask someone else to accompany you, especially if you are travelling to meet someone you are unfamiliar with.

Before sending any form of payment to the seller, gather as much information as possible, eg, postal address, name, phone number, email address, instant messenger ID, etc. Check to see if the user has a good or a bad iTrader rating within their user profile page. Ask other members if they have had successful dealing with the seller.

It is your responsibility to ensure you are happy with the item and the conditions of the sale, before entering into any transaction. The Saxperience team go as far as they can to try to protect members, but there is very little the staff can do if your transaction turns bad, other than offer our condolences. I repeat again, you enter into any transaction with a third party, entirely at your own risk.


Whilst the forum moderators, super moderators and administrators of the Saxperience community will attempt to stop inappropriate messages and user behaviour from disrupting these forums, it is not possible for staff members to read all messages posted. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Saxperience, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of Saxperience reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason, at any time.

Staff Disputes

If you have any concern over the manner in which any Saxperience staff member has dealt with a situation, please contact the Saxperience administrator using the ‘contact us’ page, shown at the bottom of all Saxperience forum pages. The details you provide will be considered and corrective actions taken where required.


The guidelines / rules outlined above will periodically be reviewed and amended by the Saxperience administration team to ensure the smooth operation of this community. We reserve the right to make any alterations deemed necessary without notice.

All times are GMT. The time now is 13:44.