Automatic Video Embedding
This evening automatic embedding of YouTube video links has been incorporated into the Community. You do not need to do anything to activate this - it all happens behind the scenes.
Simply post a normal url link, without any extra fields you may be tempted to use. If you have permission to post an embedded YouTube link, it will happen.
Currently, all regular members and Premium members have the ability to embed YouTube video clips. This may change...
If you do not fit into the above two usergroups, you may be able to see embedded video clips, but you will not be able to post them. Your links will appear as text-based hyperlinks.
Currently, YouTube embedding is NOT enabled in the general chat forum. Subject to abuse, this feature may be restricted further. Please don't make this happen...
If there are other popular sites, which host/stream videos, and its likely the majority will benefit, let me know and I can consider embedding streams from these places too.
Please, test it out, but don't abuse this feature... Also note, some videos are blocked from being embedded by the author.
Non-embedded link code