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Old 23rd February 2018, 15:53   #1
Join Date: Feb 2017
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Default New clutch adjustment blues

Hi, all. I've just had a new clutch fitted on my Saxo 1.1 and all doesn't seem right. Out of the garage it felt a bit bumpy and unresponsive which I initially put down to "newness" but checking it at home I found that the amount of the travel in the pedal was well below the 130mm spec'd so a-ha, I said and set about adjusting the cable nut clockwise. Now with the cable nut at its maximum clockwise the pedal travel is only 109mm and now the gear changes are smoother but there is a fair bit of play/slack (deadness) in the pedal before any bite at all and a finger push on the cable show slackness in it. I will be taking the job back to the garage which did it and asking them to sort it out but I would be very grateful if all you knowledgeable folk would give me some opinions so that I might be better armed when I confront the mechanic with this.

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Old 24th February 2018, 23:25   #2
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Originally Posted by Escargot View Post
Hi, all. I've just had a new clutch fitted on my Saxo 1.1 and all doesn't seem right. Out of the garage it felt a bit bumpy and unresponsive which I initially put down to "newness" but checking it at home I found that the amount of the travel in the pedal was well below the 130mm spec'd so a-ha, I said and set about adjusting the cable nut clockwise. Now with the cable nut at its maximum clockwise the pedal travel is only 109mm and now the gear changes are smoother but there is a fair bit of play/slack (deadness) in the pedal before any bite at all and a finger push on the cable show slackness in it. I will be taking the job back to the garage which did it and asking them to sort it out but I would be very grateful if all you knowledgeable folk would give me some opinions so that I might be better armed when I confront the mechanic with this.

Small possibility they have fitted the wrong cable.

Or they've lost a part or fitted it incorrectly, the bracket which holds the cable is easily bent.

Of course, when you press the cable with your hand the pedal inside the car will be lifting. the clutch pedal should only be a little bit higher than the brake pedal. The biting point is normally only 50mm from the floor.
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Old 26th February 2018, 02:54   #3
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 14
Escargot is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the reply and info, MartinObviously. All useful.
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