Forum upgraded from 3.6.0 to 3.6.2
Between 04:15 and 04:35 GMT the forum was upgraded from v3.6.0 to v3.6.2
There were some bugs with v3.6.1 which is why we held back.
I'd appreciate it if you could keep your eyes open for any potential problems.
Sorry, no fancy new toys at this stage...
Admin CP News System - additional information beyond the latest version can now be delivered to you when you visit your admin control panel. We will be using this system to make you aware of product updates and other important company information. Once you have read a piece of news, you can "dismiss" it so it won't appear again.
Infraction System: Infraction Extension - when the same type of infraction is received twice, the second offense can now be tacked on to the first one, extending the length it's valid for. For example, a user is given an infraction for spamming posts that expires in 1 day. An hour later this user is given another spamming posts infraction. Since the user already had an active spamming posts infraction, this new infraction's expiration time is added to the end time of the previous infraction. Effectively, this new infraction will now end 1 day and 23 hours later instead of the default of 1 day.
Infraction System: Automatic Bans - users can now be moved to banned usergroups. A stepped system can be implemented such that increasing number of points or infractions results in lengthening ban perioids.
RSS Import Improvement - the RSS import system now handles several common but invalid RSS formats. Compatibility with character sets is also improved.
CAPTCHA for Guest Searches - you may now optionally force guests to prove they are human before searching
HttpOnly Cookies to Prevent XSS Attacks - certain cookies will no longer be available to JavaScript, which prevents many XSS attacks from stealing data. PHP has also accepted our patch to add this feature to PHP 5.2.0.
Podcast Improvements - several podcast options can now be set per thread rather than just per forum
"Search This Thread" Improvements - additional options are now available for when using "Advanced Search" from "Search This Thread"
Improved Event Ordering - ordering of events is much improved when grouping events by date on the front page and when viewing events on the calendar daily/weekly/monthly views.
Saxperience: Community Rules, Search, Reputation, vB Code, Smilies, Premium Membership, Shop
Partners: Ant Jackson Rallying, G.S. Motorsport, Plates2U, Polished Bliss, RAC Breakdown
Other stuff: Get Firefox, SitePoint, Line Rider
"It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it" - Upton Sinclair