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Attaching Images to Forum Posts

I am a Premium Member and I would like to learn how to attach images to my forum posts. How can I do this?
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The ability to upload images to the Saxperience server, for attachment within the Saxperience forums is a very useful option, which is included within the Premium Member benefits.

Currently this upload feature allows images to be uploaded to the Saxperience server, provided they are of the correct filesize and image format.

The current upload limit per image is 150kb. In most circumstances this file size is more than adequate to display decent quality images for web use. If your image is larger than 150kb, the upload will not proceed.

In this situation you should resize your image using image editing software, or you could do this online using a free image resizing service such as

OK, so how do I upload an image?

When composing your forum message, click the 'attachment manager' option, shown beneath your post.

Follow the on screen instructions... Firstly you will need to browse to the image you would like to upload. Once you have identified the image, click 'upload'. If you'd like to upload another image into the same forum post, simply follow this proedure again.

It's as simple as that!

The image will automatically be attached to the forum post, with the correct forum code already in place. Once you have finished composing your message, click 'Post Reply' then you will be able to see the image(s) you have attached.

I hope you find the image attachment facility useful...

Simo' :flag: