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Posted 21st May 2008 at 14:26 by dsh85

no this isnt going to be a 'how shit is life' blog! just a bit of whats been goign on lately

firstly work situations keep creeping into my mind, im 23 now and been working at royal mail for 4 years almost. as far as a job goes i love it you are your own boss most of the time and just do your own thing however im thinking now that i want more than a part time contract (27.5 hours) but really am struggling in my mind on what i want to do!
its a real difficult one now as i should have done this years ago! a lot of places wont look to taking on a trainee at 23!
so i think ive got some heavy thinknig to do soon1 it may mean goign back to square 1 which i could have been doing aged 16/17 but i suppose in the long run when your careers running until your 65 it dosent sound all that bad!

anyway positive news is that im goign on holiday in 4 weeks and 6 days and 2 hours and 2 minutes from writing this. im not excited i swear! but its just nice to get out of the general routine!
anyone at tenerife between 24th june and 8th july can buy me a drink!

oh and as for that car hopefully itll have a few adjustments before french car show. with my head mainly on the above two things its kinda took a back seat but theres no doubt in my mind all will be in place for fcs! i dont think ill update my progress thread, maybe just turn up!

well thats my first ever real life blog completed
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  1. Old Comment
    Alex's Avatar
    Do you have no idea what you want to do at all.
    Can you go any further with Royal Mail?
    Posted 21st May 2008 at 20:51 by Alex Alex is offline
  2. Old Comment
    barrett's Avatar
    at the moment being a postie sounds like a dream, beats the hours sitting with books i;ve got to put in at the moment!
    Posted 21st May 2008 at 21:24 by barrett barrett is offline
  3. Old Comment
    dsh85's Avatar
    dont get me wrong i love my job in that fact! but i just feel i want more now. if it all goes tits up i could apply and be back where i am now i guess!

    going further in royal mail would be difficult it means taking up managerial, i dont think i could become this arrogant manager type that we have in our office when ive become good mates with a lot of the workers

    ive enquired back at my college i went to in 2001, they do second chance apprenticeship to continue what you were studying. i did a year in plumbing and hated it but contemplating gritting my teeth and going back to it

    barret it may seem hard now but im sure you know in the future itll all be worth it, id love also to maybe resit my maths and english and change d's into c's. if only i had this thought of mind a few years back
    Posted 21st May 2008 at 23:41 by dsh85 dsh85 is offline
  4. Old Comment
    barrett's Avatar
    its all possible dude, a couple of my mates at uni are in there late 30's and have careers doing all sorts of things got pissed off with them and managed to do courses to get themselves onto medicine. It is all good and will be worth it in the long run, but i'm all about the short term at the moment, and want to have a job and cash etc! lol

    There is nothing stopping you enrolling back at college and getting the grades up. If you are thinking of doing a trade or something that will turn into a career you need to make sure you will enjoy it!
    Posted 21st May 2008 at 23:49 by barrett barrett is offline
  5. Old Comment
    dsh85's Avatar
    yeah your right that was my initial feeling upon leaving in the first place. i do however wonder how things would have been if i was placed with someone who had a bit of banter about them rather than the dull workaholic who made me paint pipes for 3 weeks

    i dont earn mass amounts now but it fund the essentials! car, beer, phone etc so i dunno how ill cope if no pay is there or little
    Posted 22nd May 2008 at 00:15 by dsh85 dsh85 is offline
  6. Old Comment
    MikeCracknell's Avatar
    Hmmmmm tough one boy!

    Do what you think is best tbh!

    Am gonna stick at my job as I couldn't face working in an office again!

    Looking forward to seeing you at French Car Show lad!
    Posted 22nd May 2008 at 22:04 by MikeCracknell MikeCracknell is offline

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