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VTS Turbo
Saxo Turbo!

Simo's Saxo VTS Turbo!

The UK's first turbocharged Saxo VTS has had many up's and down's! Read Simo's Blog to find out more details and see hundreds of progress photos!
Welcome to Saxperience

Welcome to Saxperience

        The Ultimate Online Saxo Experience.

Saxperience is dedicated to a growing world-wide community of Saxo enthusiasts. Saxperience aims to provide the most varied selection of Citroen Saxo photos, videos and all other forms of Citroen Saxo media in addition to sharing with you a busy Saxo related discussion forum. Saxperience tries to bring you upto the minute news on all aspects of the "Saxo-World".

In the last 7 days we have had 13 new registered members. 2 joined today!

If you own a Citroen Saxo, or are interested to learn more about the Citroen Saxo, Saxperience is the place for you! Our popular how-to guides explain how to perform a number of modifications or DIY jobs to your Saxo, but if you're looking for more specific information, why not ask our members for advice in the Saxperience forums.

Discussion forums

Community Discussion Forums

If you're looking for information or advice about your Citroen Saxo, please chat about your needs with other Saxperience members within the busy Saxo related discussion forums. Often you can receive the advice you're looking for within just a few moments!

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Saxperience Premium Members are able to upload photos and details of their cars into the Saxperience E-Garage. Browse through some of our members' cars in this section.
Featured events
Saxo Events

Saxo Event Reports / Photo Galleries

You can always be sure to find a bunch of Saxos at any car event! If you wern't able to attend an event, maybe you can really get a feel for what went on by taking a look at the photos and write-ups within this section!
Saxperience Discounts

Member Offers / Discounts

A number of companies offer discounts and special offers to Saxperience Members - take a look in this section to see if you can pick up a bargain!
Premium Member Blogs

Premium Member Blogs

Premium Members are able to host their own Blogs within the SAxperience community. This is a great way to share information or even showcase the progress of your own car.
Saxperience How-to guides
DIY mods

Premium Member How-to Guides

Would you like to modify or repair your Citroen Saxo, but would prefer to carry out the jobs yourself? A number of common modifications and DIY tasks have been featured within this section, so there's no reason not to have a go yourself now!
Saxperience Online Shop
Shop Online

Online Shop

The Saxperience Online Shop shows all of the products, which are currently available to buy from Saxperience... including stickers, club clothing, event tickets and merchandise, etc.
Saxperience Premium Membership

Become a Premium Member

If you would like to support the Saxperience Community and register as a Premium Member and enjoy all of the additional benefits associated with this level of membership, take a look in this section for further details.
Saxperience Videos

Video Clips

One video can replace a thousand words! Check out some great Saxo related video action within this section. Older clips are open for all members, but all new clips have been reserved for Premium Members.