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And Uni life continues

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Posted 10th April 2008 at 01:03 by shooorn94
Updated 10th April 2008 at 08:50 by shooorn94

So on Monday and tuesday I was back to Uni the usual wake at 6am to get to Uni for 9am continues.

So my mum who drops me off kindly at the train station for 7am began to drive off. It was icey and even though she had scraped it all off as soon as she turned the corner the light from the sun filled the screen with pure white. I mustn't of melted fully. Anyway I told her to stop otherwise she might hit something, so we stopped and undid the windows.

As visibility increased I began to wind my window back up. Now the passenger window has always been stiff since a lorry reversed into my mums astra estate back in 2003 (the resprayers sprayed the window! ) and as I wound the window further it got incredibly stiff, so I pulled down on the handle a little bit more till I heard a crack....
I looked at the glass to find the glass had fell off the glass holders and it was going up at an angle and coming into the car. My mum was mad. I promised her I'd fix it if she had a screwdriver in the car of the right size, but she said it wasn't worth it...

Into the station and a mad dash for the train.

Thought I'd rememberred everything...but oh no! I'd left my headphones for my MP3 at home... the worst thing to do!

The journey involved; telephone calls, arguments over phone, a polish couple that seemed to be arguing, a bike falling over. And a strangely camp voiced ticket conductor.
The most disturbing thing to be heard was between two very "proper" speaking children on the way to School.
"So what I did was, I told her to Sue but she wasn't having any of it"

"Really? Your Mum really is silly sometimes. Anyway I have a question, do playstation 3 games play on Playstation 2's?"

"No I don't think so, you may have to test it"
All that money on education and they aren't taught the basics of the Playstation? What is the world coming to!?! But why, oh why is the son telling his mum to sue someone? Something I don't quite understand...

(bobbing your head whilst typing is not good forgotten what I was going to type...)

At Uni I was reminded of how much I hated the place, the tutors were late as always, the lessons were pointless and I learnt nothing new. I was really having enough so a break came round.

I sat in the canteen eating some grapes when a mate came up moaning about this year being pointless and such a waste of money and we both began ranting and raving on the fact that it felt like a complete waste of £1000 we swiftly wrapped up the conversation when the course moderator came up and sat behind us.

I told my friend how confused I was on what to do next year and how I would love to do an apprenticeship in the right industry (CAD) but it is so hard to find one.

The conversation continued at home with the missus, she just repeated over and over that I needed a degree and tbh I feel like I do, to do what I want I do feel I need a degree. But that's another story if you want to question it/offer advice:

My choices

After a day of Uni I tend to find myself in my car driving around to the countryside and just sitting down relaxing staring into the county's hills. I was with the missus instead chatting about my options and then she began studying.

We woke this morning at 8:43am she wanted to go to town for 9am... I fell asleep several times until finally waking at 11:30am to find myself drooling on the girlfriends chest needless to say she was a bit annoyed. I only woke due to a nightmare involving my car being crashed into several times by CHAVs in an uninsured car, I had another nightmare involving people being shot and I couldn't help them... first dreams I have had in ages strange.

I scrambled some Brunch (brunch is not between breakfast and lunch it is breakfast and lunch in one meal dammit!) together whilst she browsed facebook.

The rest of my day involved wonderring what I could do to better the car. I needed to get my new wheel on so wham outcame the jack and I put my new wheel on.. and although the front of the car has not settled yet (higher than the rear) the cars handling was so responsive with the new wheel! I also set about fixing the doorcard as it constantly popped off as the wiring for my components pushed it out. That was sorted and all the tyres were cleaned.

I now find myself staring at Coventry's University homepage wonderring what to do next year... putting off the fact that tomorrow at 6am I shall be awake again on my way to University to fully enjoy my day...
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