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Couple of pictures

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Posted 16th November 2014 at 16:38 by sexysaxo_dan

Just a couple of pictures I've taken since having the saxo, more to come.

Picture of the pumpkin when i went to kimmeridge bay. Got wheels trims on i know, but will soon be swapped for VTS alloys!

Love the saxes ass, would like to get rid of the badges etc and have it smoothed, but its not likely to happen.

The engine bay. When i had my 50+ bhp pod filter, haven't taken a photo with my BMC CDA yet, soon to come!

Finally is the standard curio interior. Think ill keep it this way, as this is a daily, so i don't really want to strip it and lash out on bucket seats. Ill save that for when i have a better car. Quite like the comical door pin balls and the seat belts that are all different colours.

Hopefully getting VTS alloys within the next couple of weeks, so ill post new pictures when i have them.

Stay tuned.
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  1. Old Comment
    It's missing a 4-2-1 lol
    Posted 9th January 2015 at 06:57 by DaPPeR DaPPeR is offline

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